Tuesday, September 15, 2009

anecdote #3

Megan is even there in bad times. Just recently my best friend since 5th grade has started being really mean i didn't know why. She would ignore me and make jokes at my expense, later I found out that she was talking about me with other people. Megan was always their for me though all of this. She never picked a side like some other friends of mine. Stayed neutral and friends with both of us and helped us move past our problems to be friends again. I know that Megan had go go thought great length to do all this but she did it to help me.


  1. Where's #2? The impression I get is that Megan is a person who puts others' happiness before her own- whether that means inviting you to her lunch table or going to great pains to keep her friends together. More detail would be great; I look forward to learning more.

  2. thats a very good question, im not sure where #2 went . . . . ill have to find that. thanks for the comment !!!
